The Face Fix
This innovative celebrity favourite face treatment consists of deep myofascial release of the facial muscles and fascia to create a natural lift and provide symmetry to the face. Facial tapping and Dr. Liza’s signature myofascial release promotes lymphatic drainage to reduce puffiness and leave behind a deep glow. By releasing contracted muscles and fascia this treatment can also help reduce wrinkles in the face that are caused by excess tension. Expect to leave with open and brighter eyes thanks to improved circulation. The appearance of a double chin may also be reduced once faulty posture is addressed. Some have also noted a straightened nose and an improvement in breathing thanks to the realignment of fascia in the face. Myofascial release, cranial osteopathy and various stones are used to leave your face visually lifted with a youthful glow. When necessitated a buccal massage may be incorporate to minimize smile lines and facial taping with kinesiotape may be used to create additional lift.