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the[fix] shop

the[fix] sleep balm


For deep relaxation and to promote restful sleep. the[fix] sleep balm can be applied on your neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, legs and feet to calm and relax and we recommend using this before sleep. Made from all natural ingredients - it works great as a massage balm and is an essential part of your self-care routine.

the[fix] relax balm ingredient list: organic coconut oil, beeswax, lavender oil, vetviver oil and frankincense oil.

60 mL | 2 oz glass jar

I need it!
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Additional Info

the|fix| balm ingredient list: organic coconut oil, beeswax, peppermint oil, lavender oil and frankincense oil

This balm can be applied to muscles. Please note to avoid getting this product in the eyes. This is not suitable for children under the age of 10.  For headache relief you can apply this balm to your neck and scalp.